4. The Protagonist
"But who had time for pointless stuff like knowing the best way to enforce the two-ketchup-packets-per-customer rule? I had homework. I had a life." (Rob Payne, How to be a Hero on Earth 5, 4)
From this quote I learned that, John, the main character, works at a fast food restaurant with rules that he clearly was supposed to learn but didn't. It also tells me that he would rather be doing other things than working, even homework. I assume that John likes to take the quick way out of work by cutting corners and not listening to rules.
Based on the events so far in the book, I think that John will be sent off to his relatives and the plane will seem to crash but land into a parallel universe. Here he will have to find a way back to his dimension using some rare contraption or element that he must find by himself.
I chose this video because when John arrives in London, England after his strange experience on his flight even stranger things happen at the airport. It feels to him almost like he is hallucinating because of the situation that he gets put into.